Lead Testing

Lead Based Paint Testing, Abatement & Other Analysis Services

Lead Based Paint Testing, Abatement & Other Analysis Services

OSHA, HUD, EPA and other state and federal agencies have established lead regulations property owners, contractors and building managers are required to follow regarding a building. McAfee Safety Analysis has the experience, licensing and certifications you need to meet all requirements needed to stay in code. Avoid any negative financial, legal, health and environmental impacts that could happen if lead is present on your property. Call our team today to book your appointment for an on-site assessment.

Lead Services Include:

Lead-Based Paint Surveys

Lead Hazard Risk Assessments

Construction Management, Inspection & Air Monitoring Services

Computerized Lead-Based Paint Inventory System

Lead-Based Paint Operations & Maintenance Plans

Lead-Based Paint Abatement Project Design & Management

Did You Know?

Did you know the leading child health risk in the United States is Childhood Lead Poisoning? Both children and adults can develop serious health issues from constant, over exposure to lead. McAfee Safety Analysis has performed LBP Surveys and inspections to ensure the health and safety everyone on the property is protected from lead poisoning. For more information about our lead testing, give us a call! We will happily answer any questions, then set up an on-site assessment.

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